The magical way to improve behavior.

Hi Reader,

Do you ever find yourself saying the same thing over and over again? Need a more effective way to teach?

Try role plays!

They are MAGIC!✨

Why? Because they give the child an opportunity to practice a behavior at home before they are expected to perform it in real life.

Read my blog post that will teach you step by step about how to start doing them today!

There is a quote from Karyn Purvis that I love:

"It takes approximately 400 repetitions to create a new synapse in the brain...unless it is done with play. In that case it takes between 10 and 20 repetitions."

Use the magic of role plays to lessen those repetitions, friends!

PS - Learn how to do role plays at home and watch how your child's behavior improves.

Simply On Purpose: Positive parenting resources for the intentional family

Ralphie from Simply On Purpose is bringing joy back into parenting and family life. You have the power to change your home—let her show you how!

Read more from Simply On Purpose: Positive parenting resources for the intentional family

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